When will the betting interface in the Manifold app run at more than 1 FPS on my phone?
Jan 1
March 2024
April 2024
May 2024

My phone is a Galaxy S10+. All apps, games, streaming, etc run perfectly smoothly, except Manifold in many areas of the app.

Resolves 100% to the first month in which the betting interface both on binary and multi-choice markets reliably runs smoothly. By smoothly I mean no appreciable or debilitating stuttering, freezing, or lagging. Like any other app runs.

Will extend close date and add additional months as necessary.

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March 2024

There's definitely been some improvement, but linked choice markets with more than about 30 answers are still horribly slow. Same goes for numeric markets.

For any manifold devs that see this: the problem is the worst (by several orders of magnitude) on linked choice markets. So I suspect the slowness is from calculating what the updated percentages will be.