Which top academics will be fired for plagiarism in 2024?
Stuart Pimm
Sally Kornbluth
Kenneth Anderson
Ibram X Kendi
Daniel Lew

Which tenured professors or top-tier university administrators (chancellors, presidents, VPs, deans, admissions directors, etc.) from the top 50 US universities enumerated below will be fired or forced to resign in 2024 due to plagiarism?

Plagiarism must be cited as a substantial reason for their firing. If the university issues a statement announcing the termination of an academic in 2024, their respective market will resolve YES, even if they do not quit their position until later.

  1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

  2. Harvard University

  3. Stanford University

  4. University of California Berkeley (UCB)

  5. University of Chicago

  6. University of Pennsylvania

  7. Cornell University

  8. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

  9. Yale University

  10. Princeton University

  11. Columbia University

  12. Johns Hopkins University

  13. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

  14. University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

  15. New York University (NYU)

  16. Northwestern University

  17. Carnegie Mellon University

  18. Duke University

  19. University of Texas at Austin

  20. University of California, San Diego (UCSD)

  21. University of Washington

  22. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  23. Brown University

  24. Pennsylvania State University

  25. Boston University

  26. Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)

  27. Purdue University

  28. University of Wisconsin-Madison

  29. University of Southern California

  30. University of California, Davis (UCD)

  31. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

  32. Texas A&M University

  33. Michigan State University

  34. Rice University

  35. Ohio State University

  36. Washington University in St. Louis

  37. University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)

  38. University of Florida

  39. University of Maryland, College Park

  40. Arizona State University

  41. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

  42. Emory University

  43. University of Pittsburgh

  44. University of Rochester

  45. Dartmouth College

  46. University of Massachusetts, Amherst

  47. Case Western Reserve University

  48. University of Virginia

  49. Vanderbilt University

  50. University of Colorado at Boulder

List taken from https://www.topuniversities.com/where-to-study/north-america/united-states/ranked-top-100-us-universities

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@SG This seems to be not plagiarism but fraud, right?

@DanMan314 Yeah, you're right. This market is only about plagiarism. (Although I do suspect that conditional on committing fraud, you're also more likely to be a plagiarist...)

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