Will there be a TV-length season 2 of No Game, No Life by 2029?

Google Search: season 2 of no game no life

Season 1 aired in 2014, with a movie aired in 2017. No one really knows why there hasn't been a season 2 yet.

Resolves YES if the first episode of season 2 is aired before EOY 2029, Japan time (GMT+09:00), and they successfully aired the whole season, or 12 episodes, whichever is smaller, by EOY 2030.

Fine Print

  1. A "season" is defined by common sense.

  2. TV-length means ~24 mins per episode, your typical anime length.

  3. In case of ambiguity, I will decide if I am still active, with attempt of matching spirit of market. If not, the person who resolves this can decide, using whatever way they think is suitable.

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