This is for the Division C national tournament on 5/24/25 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Past regional, state, invitational, and national results can be found at https://www.duosmium.org/results/.
This resolves YES for every team that attends the 2025 national tournament. A team that qualifies but declines to attend resolves NO. I will resolve after state competitions take place, but will hold out on resolving for the runner-ups in VA/WI/MO/NJ because it is not known if they will make nats.
60 teams qualify for the national tournament. Each state is guaranteed a bid, with a 2nd bid being allotted to the largest states (in 2024, these were NY, CA, NC, PA, IL, MI, FL, OH, GA, TX, VA, WI, MO, NJ in that order). Note that only 9 states are guaranteed a 2nd bid if no states decline their bids.
The initial options consist of the 60 teams that attended 2024 nationals, the 5 best teams from the states that did not attend 2024 nationals, and 35 additional teams that have shown they can compete for a bid to nationals. More options can be added by anyone at any time.
If the national tournament is cancelled or other unforeseen circumstances happen, I will N/A answers as appropriate.
Conditionals can be applied from this and Who will win the 2025 Science Olympiad National Tournament [Division C]? | Manifold