To resolve Yes
Event has to have actually taken place before end of 2024
At least $100,000 generated for charity (this includes if we have a sponsor or nonprofit or Manifold freerolls the player's buy-in and the total prize pool is >100,000k)
Total Twitter follower count across players and commentators has to exceed 1 million.
Just an idea rn inspired by how successful the Manifest Poker tournament was.
Link to quick writeup I did.
@SirSalty because you're talking about a tournament with a total prize pool of 100 million dollars 🤣 OK, obviously that was a typo (100,000k).
Anyway, it's unclear how you intend to generate the money for charity. Is it through the tournament entree fees? Is it through asking players to donate?
@jim I thought that all of the buy in automatically goes to charity - basically a mana poker, for high stakes