Will I finish the first game released by BIGMODE?

"Videogamedunkey has started a video game publishing company, BIGMODE. He's pledged to support and publish quality games and to have BIGMODE be his stamp of approval." - @Apiellis

When the first game published by BIGMODE is released, I will purchase and play it. I will not be forcing myself to finish the game, but will finish if the game is enjoyable or compelling enough that I want to do so. I generally do not complete games unless I enjoy them.

Market resolves YES if I finish the game.
Market resolves NO if I do not finish the game.

Market resolves N/A if BIGMODE goes out of business before releasing a game, or if the released game is one where this question makes no sense.

What is finishing?
Finishing will be measured as completing the main thread of the game and beating the main ending. If the game has a story, this will be completing the main story, and probably means defeating the final boss if there is one.

Collectibles? Secrets? 100%?
This is not a market about 100%ing a game and getting every hidden collectible or secret. It also does not care about new game plus modes.

Clearing up Ambiguity
I expect this to be pretty straightforward a majority of the time, but if there is ambiguity then I will post an update when the game releases and give a clear victory state that would need to be met for YES .

I will NOT be betting on this market, but will post updates to the comments.

Thanks to @Apiellis, as I based this market on theirs:

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awfully ambitious to close this in 2025. I get dunkey's thing is a pub and not a dev, but it'll still take time to get that kind of stuff together, esp if he ends up doing much of it himself like contracts and steam backend

Well, do you like platformers?

@kottsiek Sometimes.