Bro, what did I do? I am like nobody on Twitter and had no interaction with him....
Resolve by EOY 2024 or NA if I cannot find out.
@GazDownright by unranked, you mean multiple response resolve to YES?
I realized that problem. So maybe when resolving, if multiple answers were YES, then I will chop between them. Sounds like a good plan?
Or, I can resolve to the one that gets first confirmed?
which do you think is better?
@Sss19971997 It looks like this could come down to the blocker's feelings, and then inevitably there is no real way of verifying that. I don't have the answer, just posing the questiin.
@GazDownright I will think about it. I am still learning how to deal with ambiguity.
the worse thing to happen is resolving NA, right?
@Sss19971997 the guy is on the surface a romantic who likes to talk of love, but as it turns out, is filled with hate. Sad.