What Will Happen to Cabinet-Schoof (Dutch Politics) [ADD RESPONSES]
Cabinet will fall before 31 december 2025
BBB won't solve the manure issue for farmers before 2025
A Cabinet member will be photographed with a Zwarte Pieter in 2024
Immigration will fall by at least 20% (as seen over a full year, compared to 2023)
If Schoof 1 falls, NSC will be responsible.
Marjolein Faber will be replaced as minister of Immigration
Dick Schoof will have a sport injury
The partner of Dick Schoof will be interviewed by a national newspaper/TV station before October 2024
Agema will resign due to her illness
A message on X will be the downfall of Cabinet-Schoof
The first Minister will resign within the first three months
The cabinet will fall before Christmas 2024
Dick Schoof will visit the USA in the first 6 months of the cabinet
Parts of cabinet (inc Schoof) will come back from summer recess 2024 to debate in the House of Representatives
Someone from the cabinet will literally fall
One or more cabinet members will give up there second passport
Immigration will fall by at least 30% (as seen over a full year, compared to 2023)
Dick Stoof will join a party
Geert Wilders will visit Biden
Somebody gets hit in the House of Representatives

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bought Ṁ50 One or more cabinet ... NO

Schoof almost fell yesterday after he got hit by the door

If Schoof 1 falls, NSC will be responsible.


If multiple news sources conclude that NSC decides to break with the cabinet and results in the fall of it.

Thank you. How about the "message on X will be the downfall" option, how will that be determined?

Only yes if there is a direct link between a personal message of someone of the cabinet on X which results in a crisis and than results in the fall of the cabinet.

Short of the tweet being "I'm dissolving the Netherlands and we'll all be Belgians now", I think that'll still be complicated to ascertain.

For example. "I think minister XYZ is a racist and should step up." kind of message.

Why would anyone in the cabinet write that? Or, if it is someone not in the cabinet writing that, why would it cause the government to fall?

Anything seems possible after this week, but you can bet NO and will check with everyone before resolving if it's not 100% clear.

That's too much uncertainty for me. A market needs to be unambiguous instead of depending on people with directly conflicting interests coming to an agreement.

You can add more certain options if you like

Immigration will fall by at least 30% (as seen over a full year, compared to 2023)

In 2023, 332 863 people migrated to the Netherlands. If during any year that Cabinet Schoof is governing, at most 233 004 people migrate to the Netherlands, this will resolve 'YES'.

Immigration will fall by at least 20% (as seen over a full year, compared to 2023)

In 2023, 332 863 people migrated to the Netherlands. If during any year that Cabinet Schoof is governing, at most 266 290 people migrate to the Netherlands, this will resolve 'YES'.


If Schoof 1 falls, NSC will be responsible.
bought Ṁ10 If Schoof 1 falls, N... YES

@TheWabiSabi How will you define 'responsible'?

As concluded by the national media or as NSC decide to end the coalition.

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