Will the Aptera solar car go into production?
Jan 1

The Aptera is a 3 wheel EV with 400 miles of range (plus 40 miles of solar) that just started taking pre-orders.

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The Aptera solar car is making strides towards production, with plans to enter the market soon. velocity enterprises This innovative vehicle combines solar energy with electric power to enhance efficiency and reduce reliance on traditional charging. While development is ongoing, the car’s unique design and technology suggest it could significantly impact sustainable transportation. Stay updated on Aptera’s progress for the latest launch information.

I think it will happen in the 1st quarter of 2025

What does “going into production” mean? How many units per month or week?

@Anime “Production” means units produced for sale. They’re taking preorders, so this is their intent, but will they meet their goal?

By the end of the year or a different date?

@ian By the end of 2024

predicts NO

@TonyMize cool, I changed the close date for you!

@ian Awesome, thank you!