C is eternal, it will be the language our star ships will be programmed with in 500 years.

Inspired by this tweet: https://twitter.com/AUncreativeUser/status/1782216431687389547

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bought Ṁ100 NO

Imo, looking at the pace at which AI is improving, we likely won't have to code for anything by then. There will probably something in place that will look similar, or maybe generated at a lower level, such as opcodes directly (depending on the target architecture).

"Students, focus your inner voice on your BCI and project the words: 'int main of int argc comma char star star argv.'"

Suggested terms for Yes resolution:

to resolve as Yes would require that in 2524 there are space craft being manufactured which run machine code or byte code compiled from C, or what could be reasonably regarded as a successor to C. To be reasonably regarded as a successor, the language would have to use be substantially backwards compatible with K&R C, statically typed, and include unrestricted pointer manipulation (i.e., pointer manipulation is not restricted to designated "unsafe" blocks).

Please suggest improvements or changes.

C will probably outlive most other languages in use today.

But I guess at some point our computer architectures will change enough so that built-in assumptions for the environment (files, data types, memory access, call stack) don't make sense anymore and emulating them becomes awkward.

When does this resolve? In 500 years?

@TamasSzelei Market closes 31 December 2499. My manifold heirs will hopefully resolve the market by 22 April 2524.

bought Ṁ50 NO from 14% to 13%
bought Ṁ50 NO

@TrevorAndersen Thanks, invested accordingly. Hopefully mana inflation will pay for this.

C89 is eternal? C11? C500?

Anyway, I doubt it would even be a descendant of it. Unlike e.g. lambda calculus it doesn't correspond to some universal computation, so there's nothing inherently eternal about it.

Doubtful: 1. We may all be dead before then; 2. We would probably use a more optimized or even a different way of coding in the future; 3. Even if we continued to use C, it would be changed significantly until it was not even the same language.