Will Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) Default on Any of Its Debts and or Go Bankrupt on or Before 2028?

Company Information (As of 12/09/2023):

  • Name: Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB)

  • Chinese Name: 電視廣播有限公司

  • Headquaters: 77 Chun Choi Street, Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR, China

  • Traded As (Yahoo! Finance): 0511.HK

  • Wikipedia Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TVB

Critieria For "Yes" At Resolve:

  • If TVB or the company's current name/form fails to meet any of its debt obligations (defaults) from 00:00:00 13/09/2023 Hong Kong Standard Time until on or before 23:59:59 01/01/2028 Hong Kong Standard Time.

  • If TVB or the company's current name/form officially declares any form of bankruptcy from 00:00:00 13/09/2023 Hong Kong Standard Time until on or before 23:59:59 01/01/2028 Hong Kong Standard Time.

  • If TVB or the company's current name/form ceases operations from 00:00:00 13/09/2023 Hong Kong Standard Time until on or before 23:59:59 01/01/2028 Hong Kong Standard Time.

Critieria For "No" At Resolve:

  • If TVB or the company's current name/form does not fail to meet any of its debt obligations (does not default) from 00:00:00 13/09/2023 Hong Kong Standard Time until on or before 23:59:59 01/01/2028 Hong Kong Standard Time.

  • If TVB or the company's current name/form does not officially declare any form of bankruptcy from 00:00:00 13/09/2023 Hong Kong Standard Time until on or before 23:59:59 01/01/2028 Hong Kong Standard Time.

  • If TVB or the company's current name/form does not cease operations from 00:00:00 13/09/2023 Hong Kong Standard Time until on or before 23:59:59 01/01/2028 Hong Kong Standard Time.

Additional Notes:

  • This question does not include TVB's parent company Shaw Brothers (HK) Ltd. / 邵氏兄弟(香港)公司, however the question will resolve as "Yes" if TVB ceased operations because its parent company ran into problems from 00:00:00 13/09/2023 Hong Kong Standard Time until on or before 23:59:59 01/01/2028 Hong Kong Standard Time.

Fairness/Neutrality Disclaimer:

  • For the minimisation of conflict of interests, the creator of this question (@UnlockedCPU) will not be holding any positions on this specific question for as long as it remains unresolved.

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