Will CNN's online news abandon its left-leaning bias by 2025 according to AllSides Media Bias ratings?
Dec 31
new blind survey: lean -1.39

AllSides analyzes news organizations and rates their political bias on a five-step scale based on scientific, multipartisan analysis. CNN's online news bias rating has shifted from "center" in 2017 to their left-most rating in 2021.

A merger between CNN's indirect parent company, WarnerMedia, and Discovery was completed in April 2022. According to Axios, David Zaslav, CEO of Discovery, considered ratings secondary to credibility and wished to return CNN's reporting to more neutral standards.

This question resolves Yes if the media bias rating on the CNN (Online News) AllSides page shows Center at any point before 2025 (UTC). Otherwise, the resolution is No.

If the rating changes to Center at one point, but changes away again by 2025, this question still resolves as Yes.

If the rating changes to a right-leaning one, without ever being Center, this question resolves as No.

If AllSides's rating scale changes, the middle rating (or two middle ratings on an even-numbered scale) will count as "Center" for the purposes of this question.

If the "CNN (Online News)" entity stops being rated, another news organization's rating may be used, for example a possible "CNN (All News)", as long as it's clearly described as encompassing CNN's online news.

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A new blind survey had a lean result of -1.39 vs. the last blind survey's score of -1.40; the published score has not been updated and is still set to -1.30 per editorial review.


may wish to extend market close date until 2025 @bence

@chrisjbillington Thanks! I made this market when I was still used to Metaculus where earlier close dates are more common ๐Ÿ˜‡

@bence So you waited until a month after a mod advised you and after the market got locked? Users placed their bets based on closing time. I think you had plenty of time to update the end date and you should have based on the title.

@vVv The title was clear, bets should not have been placed assuming the market close date was relevant to resolution criteria. Should they have resolved the market? Given the criteria, that wouldn't make a lot of sense.

@chrisjbillington Don't disagree with that but think they had plenty of time to extend it.

@vVv I did really have plenty of time, but I missed the comment notification and only looked at the market once I got the closed notification. Thatโ€™s when I noticed the nudge to extend. Sorry if this caused any trouble.