@Bayesian idk, I just copied this
@Bayesian it's quantity of natural gas produced (and consumed) globally - will we have hit a global maximum by 2040
@RanaG what does hitting a global maximum by 2040? if you mean it'll never be higher after 2040, then that can never resolve until the heat death of the universe. do you mean there'll be a dip and in 2040 it will look like the peak was in the past? or something else?
@benjaminIkuta here's a market that defines peak oil in a way similar to what @Bayesian is gesturing at:
Putting in specific criteria, excluding the "and there is a consensus among experts" part and referring to a particular dataset by which you will resolve will make the resolution criteria more concrete/less subjective, which typically makes some potential market participants happier to participate.
@equinoxhq alright, I'll mirror that
But I think I agree with the creator that you'd want to avoid a yes resolution when it's a temporary decrease due to a pandemic or something.