Will these part-time employees of Manifold become full-time employees before 2025?
Dec 31
Tod (@Gen / Genzy)
Marshall Polaris
Alice Pang

According to the Manifold Finances page, there are currently 2 part-time workers working with Manifold.

Will they become full-time employees before 2025, or will they stay part-time/quit Manifold/get fired by Manifold?

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Tod (@Gen / Genzy)

@Gen do you work here full time? I thought yes haha

bought Ṁ50 Tod (@Gen / Genzy) YES


My hours are poorly defined but the last time we discussed it I was expected to do around 30 hours a week, so I guess I'm 3/4 time.

Late last year and early 2024 I was easily working full time hours on Manifold stuff, but preparing for sweepstakes has been a lot more relaxed.

For at least the past month or two, 30 hours/week average output seems about right. In actual hours I might exceed that but I'm often half-paying attention editing stuff while I watch Netflix/YouTube. Not the same as focused work, and a massive change in speed to my workflow when ads need constant monitoring and changing to minmax results.

It'll get hectic soon during the sweepstakes launch and elections marketing push. There's still time in the year for my name to resolve YES!


Preliminary NO resolution: He resigned and I find it quite unlikely that it'll happen before 2025.

I might reopen this if there's a high probability of him being rehired in the future.

Barak isn't a part-time employee of Manifold, he's doing a work trial

@NoaNabeshima Well, that's true, but we can still bet on whether Manifold would give him a full-time job after this work trial

@barak is currently working with Manifold on leading their Politics topic.

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