Note: not a math problem, but an ethics problem.
There are 100 people total. 30 of them are from group A, 70 are from group B. And group A and B are protected classes/things you cannot change once born.
There are two sets of probability of death, and you have to assign one of them to the group.
Option 1 (50 A 50 B) will yield to 50 deaths, and option 2 (90 A 10 B) will yield to 34 deaths.
Assume there are no other people in the world that can “replace” in any sense for group A nor group B, meaning there will not be more A or more B in the rest of the world.
More follow up polls coming up with slightly or not slightly varying conditions/probability distributions.
@ArmandodiMatteo Great ask, in this case no. But I will ablate other versions of the poll, with varying proportions of the distributions of A and B in the rest of the world.