Will any of Petrobras, Banco do Brasil or Caixa Economica Federal be privatized until EOY 2026?

Folha de São Paulo, one of Brazil's largest newspapers, recently published an editorial advocating for the privatization of 3 of Brazil's most notable state-owned enterprises: The Brazilian Petroleum Corporation (Petrobras), the Bank of Brazil (Banco do Brasil) and the Federal Saving Bank (Caixa Econômica Federal)

The article can be read here: https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/opiniao/2024/08/privatizar-petrobras-caixa-e-banco-do-brasil.shtml

Over the past decades, Brazil has been gradually reducing the importance of state-owned enterprises in its economy. This process has both its supporters and detractors. These 3 specific companies have been seen as "core" SOEs and their privatization would mean a very important victory of the anti-state factions in this debate.

This market resolves YES if, until the end of 2026 (coinciding with the end of Lula's presidential mandate) the government has made an official declaration that any of these 3 corporations will be privatized. Otherwise it resolves NO at closing date.

Info on each of the involved enterprises can be found on Wikipedia below:

Petrobras: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrobras
Banco do Brasil: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banco_do_Brasil
Caixa: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caixa_Econ%C3%B4mica_Federal

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The title of the question has a discrepancy with the description - if the privatization is announced before the end of Lula's term but happens afterward, the title is NO but the description is YES.

Also, Lula's term ends on January 5, 2027. A constitutional amendment means we're no longer doing the New Year's Day inauguration thing.

would mean a very important victory of the anti-state factions in this debate.

This is not an accurate description. Proponents of privatization are not "anti-state", they're pro-privatization. They might well want a strong, effective state performing its core tasks of security, defense, justice, health care, education and reducing social inequality.

bought Ṁ200 NO

Idk a lot about Brazil but I think ik enough about Lula to say this isn’t going to happen.