Will Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, or Apple be broken up due to antitrust regulations by the end of 2024?
Jan 1

Resolution Criteria: The market resolves to YES if any of the specified tech companies (Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple) is broken up due to antitrust regulations according to official announcements or reputable news sources before the end of 2024.

"Broken up" is defined as a company being legally required to split into separate entities, divest certain business units, or significantly alter its business structure due to antitrust regulations or lawsuits. This does not include voluntary spin-offs or restructurings not directly caused by antitrust regulations.

The announcement must be made through an official channel, such as a press release, a blog post on the company's official website, a court decision, or a public statement from a company executive. The announcement must clearly state that the breakup or significant alteration is now legally required and not just a proposal or possibility.

If no such announcement is made by any of the specified tech companies by the end of 2024, the market resolves to NO.

The resolution source will be the official announcement from the tech company, a court decision, or a reputable news source reporting on the announcement.

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bought Ṁ396 NO

It's funny that news about an antitrust suit coming out for Apple made this market go down, but what was it doing at 17%

What if EU antitrust authorities break up one of these companies somehow? Or is this purely about US antitrust?

@BTE It makes sense for me if it is EU or US ban!

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