Will Israel launch a siege of Northern Gaza by the end of 2024?
Jan 1

"Siege" is defined as full clearance of every structure in the district by IDF forces.

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Sorry y'all, busy week. I think a siege is distinguished by a literal clearing of every single structure. Similar to what the IDF did to al-Shifa or what the US did in Faluja. It would require large numbers of IDF going door to door, room to room, tunnel to tunnel, until fully secured. Sound good? @traders

@datachef "literal clearing of every single structure." - what?

@vitamind As in going door to door and searching every building and tunnel until cleared or destroyed. This is what the IDF did already at al Shifa hospital earlier in the conflict.

@datachef so, again, how does this resolve "Yes"? You aren't defining a "siege" very well here

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That's one big empty question description... How the heck does this resolve? Arguably it should already resolve "Yes".

Haven't they been doing this already for like a year now?

@TheAllMemeingEye no, there's been military raids but no blanket prevention on the movement of people or goods (beyond trying to keep them out of zones of active conflict)

@ShakedKoplewitz Isn't that a blockade? I thought a seige was just an attempt to militarily take over a city?

How are we defining siege?

@hidetzugu I assume it's a reference to this plan.


I'm betting no because neh