This will resolve to NO if he's not candidate
@frostily It's entirely up to you to decide! Manifold leaves a lot of space for market creators to decide the conditions they want to follow, so typically people either specify the edge cases in the market descriptions, or answers questions in the comments.
Resolving No, means people that bet No get a payout, and people that bet Yes do not (simple). Resolving N/A means everybody is reimbursed, profit is taken back, and this is exactly like the market had never existed. For instance, if I thought melanchin was the best candidate for the left, but might not run (as he ~somewhat announced), I might be less likely to bet Yes in the first case.
@CamillePerrin i think resolving NO is more in line with my question. Can i edit the original question to make it obvious, or is there a preferred way?
@frostily You should fine an edit button near where the description would be. Its perfectly fine to clarify, and furthermore only you have bet yet, so no third party wronged anyway.