[MEGAMARKET] What will be true of @jim's upcoming Rationalussy movie?
Dec 1
it exists
sex scene
runtime of at least 10 minutes
Fails the bechdel test
uploaded onto youtube
uses royalty-free music
has hard coded subtitles on at least 1 frame
features AI-generated video
there's multiple actors
It contains the exact line, "All this time, we've been thinking rationally, when we should have been thinking rationalussy."
Rana (or a character clearly inspired by Rana) appears in a role with dialogue
Rana voices a character
Wario appears in the movie at least once
The current summary from the Rationalussy Wiki is "shockingly accurate", as judged by @PlasmaBallin
it's debuted during Summer Camp or Manifest (2024)
Upon release, it unites all of humanity in devotion to rationalussy

The movie's main character is called Jim Rationalussy.

I won't bet on anything other than that the movie exists.

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The current summary from the Rationalussy Wiki is "shockingly accurate", as judged by @PlasmaBallin

Current summary:

Although the movie has not been released yet, some details of the plot have been leaked. The movie is said to follow a group of explorers searching for the power of rationalussy to prevent an impending AI apocalypse.

According to the leaked synopsis, the movie begins with Buttocks Cocktoasten, the first child of Manifold user Brian T. Edwards, uploading his consciousness to a computer just before being killed by a rogue AI. The uploaded consciousness travels back in time to warn humanity that a misaligned AI will soon wipe them out, showing them that a Manifold market on the topic has resolved YES in the future as proof.

Having received this warning, the heroes of the film try to find a way to stop this future from occurring, but they realize that no amount of rationality can save them. After all, they already know that AI really does wipe out humanity in the future - if it didn't, they wouldn't have received the warning in the first place. They consider the possibility of changing the timeline but decide that this is illogical: Change is something that happens within time, and the timeline as a whole never changes.

Having been failed by rationality, the heroes face the dire conclusion that nothing can stop the impending doomsday. Or can it? There may be no rational way to stop the AIpocalypse, but what about a rationalussy way? The heroes decide that the only way to change the timeline and save humanity is to seek out the elusive power of rationalussy. But can they find it before the AI finds them?

I'll judge it as shockingly accurate if it's much more similar to this plot than I would have expected before jim said it was an accurate summary.

bought Ṁ5 Rana voices a character NO

This is true kino 👌

it's debuted during Summer Camp or Manifest (2024)
bought Ṁ20 it's debuted during ... NO

@shankypanky Does this resolve no?

@jim Which more accurately shows the current script?

Holy fucking shit, the cover just got leaked!

Nah, that's clearly the poster for 'Rationaluissy', not 'Rationalussy', nice try

@PlasmaBallin shockingly accurate

Wait, it's just occurred to me that you have the power to include or exclude some of these features from the movie you're making fairly easily, and you would profit most by betting against the market leaning, so most of these have to equilibrate around 50% unless you promise not to bet

@TheAllMemeingEye I'm not going to bet on any except for it existing (which I'm betting on so people know that these aren't just going to get N/A'd)

@jim thanks 👍

sex scene

Does this count animation and clips taken from other media? Or must be live action and original content?

@TheAllMemeingEye it needs to be a sex scene between two or more characters in the movie. It could be animated. The whole movie could be animated. But if it was just e.g. a sex scene playing on the television in the background it wouldn't count.

Could you link the original market or comment thread about this if it exists?

Also if it doesn't get made do the other answers resolve no or n/a?

@TheAllMemeingEye they resolve N/A. With reasonable exceptions like "It Exists" will resolve NO at market close if the movie has not been released. There isn't a thread really, but there is this market: https://manifold.markets/ButtocksCocktoasten/will-there-be-a-rationalussy-movie?r=amlt

@jim thanks. This quote seems pretty relevant haha

"Must be at least an hour long to count as a movie."

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