Which book similar to The three body problem and Children of Time will I like best.
Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
Diaspora by Greg Egan
Blindsight by Peter Watts
Anathem by Neal Stephenson
Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Seveneves by Neal Stephenson
The Martian by Andy Weir
Semiosis by Sue Burke
Lockstep by Karl Schroeder
The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson
Evolution by Stephen Baxter
Dark Eden by Chris Beckett
Children of Ruin by Adrian Tchaikovsky

I hereby commit to reading the at leasts the top 2 books suggested by this market. I will resolve this market to whichever of those I like best. If you suggest something I've already read or that I want to veto for whatever reason, I'll add a comment to say so before you put real mana on it.

The "The three body problem" and "Children of Time" series are, with unsong, my favorite books. I am constantly serching for similar SF books. You can suggest whatever books you want but I would advise you to suggest similar books.

Both series are about the near future earth getting in contact with aliens and both cover a long time.

(Some of the text taken from the Daniel Reeves market)

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Also why has no one recommended me To like the Lightning? that looks like I book I'd possibly like a lot.

@JustifieduseofFallibilism because it's nothing like the books you've given as examples ~

@JoshuaWilkes Makes sense, I only read the very beginning of a summary as to not get spoiled and it looked a little similar but maybe it isn't. 👍

Regarding Neal Stevenson, I once started reading Snow Crash and found it boring and stopped, I am currently listening to his new book Termination Shock which is 7.5/10 so far. So I would advise you to bet someone who isn't Stevenson to the top place.

sold Ṁ5 Seveneves by Neal St... YES

@justifieduseofFallibilism when are you planning to read the books and resolve?

@KarlVoskuil I already read this. Liked it but not as good 3 body. And also not especially similar to 3 body.

@Timothy I thought Project Hail Mary was not good at all. What did you like about it?

@hmys I confused The Ministry for the Future with project hail Mary, I haven't actually read Project Hail Mary.

@JustifieduseofFallibilism I think I’ll still recommend Project Hail Mary to you. It may not sweep across time, but it scratches a similar itch—a story of a problem addressed in a math and sciency kind of way.

@KarlVoskuil I would not recommend it. It is very boring, cliched, not interesting, and you can predict almost everything that will happen. This is just my opinion, no offense if you think otherwise.

Red Mars is possibly my favourite book ever written, and Project Hail Mary is also fantastic. The reason I've not voted them up is that I don't think they meet the sort of 'sweeping across time' element of your selected books.

I didn't like Blindsight, I loved Seveneves.

@JoshuaWilkes Blindsight might be my favorite Sci-Fi book and I thought Project Hail Mary was not good at all. What did you like about Project Hail Mary and what did you not like about Blindsight?

@hmys Well it's a bit unfortunate and I hope the author isn't reading, but I just didn't enjoy anything about Blindside. I didn't like the writing style, I found the plot slow and the story a bit uneventful, and the whole thing where the author is citing real papers to support his conjectures I found a bit contrived. I was stunned when I later discovered that it is a favourite for many people. Obviously it's good that people can enjoy different things though!

@JoshuaWilkes For Project Hail Mary it's a bit harder to say why I like it without mentioning spoilers. I think if people like The Martian they will like PHM (I would assume you didn't?). It's a reworking of the same premise where one man is totally isolated and has to solve many scientific or engineering problems. I liked the different kind of 'heart' that this book displayed, i liked some of the imagining, and generally I like Weir's pacing and style.

I didn't like the main character, which is intended to some extent, but I also didn't buy the central character point that was intended to make him dislikeable.

I had looked in reddit and other places right after I read The Remembrance of Earth's Past trilogy (The Three Body Problem series) for similar books, and had gotten the 3 suggestions that I put as answers. I haven't read them yet, but I'm putting the options here to be able get feedback of which one to read next

@egroj I did the same and havent had much success. I think I read "Rainbows end" just because people said its similar to "The Remembrance of Earth's Past" books, but I found it really boring, thats why I made this market.