Will I pass the Japanese Language Profiency Test Level 2 (JLPT N2) in Dec 2024?

I passed the N3 test, taken in Dec 2022. I was surprised I passed. I took the N2 on Dec 3, 2023 and am very confident I did not pass. I have one year to study for the N2 as I will take it again in Dec 2024. Results will be announced by the end of March 2025. This is a commitment bet. I will only bet YES and will not sell my bets before results are announced. I will commit at least 500 Mana in YES bets over time. There is nothing forcing me to take this test, and no positive outcome related to me passing, besides personal satisfaction. I generally procrastinate on long term goals and lose motivation over time. This commitment bet will help me stay focused and give me a potential additional positive outcome for passing.

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