Will my AI girl Instagram account reach 10k followers before 2025
Jan 1

I created a new Instagram account where all of the images that I post are AI-generated. My intention is to grow this account as if it was a real person/influencer. I will not disclose that the images are AI-generated. My goal is for it to be a sort of "clicker game" to see how many followers I can get.

As of writing this (Jan 1 2024), the account has 16 followers and 4 posts.

Resolves to YES if I ever get more than 10k followers on it.

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Sudoku: A mind simulator available to everyone!

Chapter 1: Smart Games - Smart People

Do you want your brain to be always in good shape? Sudoku is not just entertainment, but a real simulator for the mind!

Chapter 2: Sudoku - What is it?

Sudoku is a logical puzzle where you need to fill in the empty cells with numbers from 1 to 9, following certain rules.

Chapter 3: The Benefits of Sudoku

* Develops logic and analytical thinking: Sudoku teaches you to analyze information, find patterns and draw logical conclusions.

* Improves memory and concentration: By solving Sudoku, you train your short-term memory, increase concentration and focus attention.

* Reduces the risk of developing dementia: Studies show that playing Sudoku regularly reduces the likelihood of developing cognitive impairments such as Alzheimer's disease.

* Improves mood: Solving Sudoku, you get a sense of satisfaction from solving a difficult task.

* Accessible to everyone: There are Sudokus of varying difficulty,

Therefore, you can choose the puzzle that suits you.

Chapter 4: How do I start playing?

* Choose a Sudoku of the appropriate difficulty: Start with simple puzzles and gradually move on to more complex ones.

* Learn the rules: Remember that each digit must occur in each row, column, and 3x3 square only once.

* Don't be afraid of mistakes: Mistakes are part of the learning process. Don't get upset if it doesn't work out the first time.

* Take time to play: Take 15-20 minutes a day to solve Sudoku, and you will feel the difference!

Chapter 5: Sudoku is not just for nerds!

Sudoku is a universal game suitable for people of all ages and educational levels. It is available online, in newspapers, books and mobile apps.


## Journey into the world of knowledge with Google Dinosaur! 🦖

Chapter 1: Meeting an Ancient Friend

Have you ever dreamed of going back in time and getting to know giant dinosaurs? Google Dinosaur is your personal guide to the wonderful world of prehistoric animals! Launch it and you will find yourself in the vast Jurassic period, where exciting adventures await you.

Chapter 2: Unraveling the mysteries of the past

Google Dinosaur is not just a fun game. It is an interactive way to immerse yourself in the history of the planet and get to know the amazing creatures that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago. Find out what tyrannosaurs, triceratops, stegosaurs and other dinosaurs looked like, find out interesting facts about their life and habitat.

Chapter 3: Travel through Time

With the help of Google Dinosaur, you can:

* Explore different types of dinosaurs: from carnivorous to herbivorous, from small to giant.

* Learn about how they lived: what they ate, where they lived, how they hunted, how they defended themselves.

* Understand how

Life on Earth was developing: how dinosaurs appeared and became extinct, and what caused their death.

Chapter 4: Develop skills and knowledge

Google Dinosaur doesn't just entertain, it teaches:

* Teaches logical thinking: solving puzzles and passing tests.

* Develops attention and concentration by following the dinosaur and its movements.

* Improves vocabulary: by learning the names and characteristics of dinosaurs.

Chapter 5: Discover the world of knowledge with Google Dinosaur!

Google Dinosaur is not just a game, it is a portal to the world of knowledge and exciting discoveries. Join the journey into the past and discover all the secrets of the ancient giants!

P.S.: Find Google Dinosaur in https://dinorunner.com/

Cómo jugar al solitario con las cartas españolas

Nos centramos en las cartas españolas y en el juego del solitario clásico cuyo objetivo es ordenar las cartas de forma ascendente http://sdelayhod.ru/patiences/easthaven/.

Jugar a las cartas es un pasatiempo muy divertido, que además se puede disfrutar tanto en compañía como cuando se está solo. En estos casos, el juego ideal es el solitario. Basta con tener una baraja de cartas españolas y la intención de pasar un buen rato.

El origen de este juego de cartas tan famoso, en el que el rival eres tú mismo y la suerte, no está muy claro. La teoría más apoyada sostiene que el solitario lo diseñó un aristócrata francés durante su encierro en La Bastilla, en primera mitad del siglo XVII.

Parece que el primer documento en el que aparece alguien jugando al solitario es un grabado francés que representa a Anne-Joulie de Rohan-Chabot (1648-1709), princesa de Soubise. No obstante, en esta versión, el juego representado es una modalidad del Solitario conocida como Solitario Noble o del Noble (y en inglés como Peg Solitaire) que se juega sobre un tablero con clavijas y que podría ser el precursor del juego de las cartas españolas.

Cómo se juega al solitario con la baraja española

Se puede jugar al solitario con la baraja española y con la de póker. En este caso nos centramos en las cartas españolas y diremos que existen diversas maneras de jugar. Nosotros vamos a ver aquí el solitario clásico cuyo objetivo es ordenar las cartas de forma ascendente, es decir: A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q y K.

Se colocan todas las cartas boca abajo y se sacan de dos en dos (dejando visible solo una) hasta que aparezca el as de cualquier palo. Cuando lo veas, cógelo y ponlo en la mesa. Desde que está el as en su sitio se pueden ir colocando el resto de números de ese palo según vaya saliendo.

Algo muy importante de este juego es que se pueden mover las cartas de las diferentes columnas. Así podremos ir descubriendo las cartas que están boca abajo. Si la carta que necesitamos para completar nuestro palo tiene otras encima, tendremos que moverlas juntas, de una columna a otra https://free-spider-solitaire.online/spider-4-suits/.

Cuándo termina un solitario

Si has podido ordenar toda la baraja por palos o llega un momento en el que no puedes seguir avanzando, la partida ha terminado. Lo cierto es que no siempre podrás ordenar todas las cartas porque depende de la suerte y de si cometes algún error. Lo que es seguro es que el tiempo habrá pasado sin enterarte.

I can't predict future events or specific outcomes, including the growth of social media accounts. The success of your Instagram account, especially under unique circumstances like AI-generated content without disclosure, depends on various factors, including content quality, engagement, and audience response, which are subject to change.

I remember working with different social networks, but in order to understand what and how to do there, I tried to study profile materials. I learned that there is such a profession as a media buyer https://leadpanda.media/ru/blog/media-buyer-scho-za-profesiya/ and it's very cool, it's basically a traffic marketer and it's really cool. I'm very happy that I can do that now. I hope I was able to help you too and it was really useful. Good luck.

Anonymously: How to view Instagram Stories without anyone knowing?

There are several options to be able to view Instagram Stories anonymously. At FMDOS we tell you the two most common.

There is a way to see the Instagram Stories of your followers on the popular platform, but anonymously https://igsaved.com/video/. This means that you can look at them without that person knowing that you saw it.

With more than 700 million active users, Instagram is one of the most popular social networks in the world. For this reason, the variety of functions it offers is increasing, highlighting Instagram Stories among them.

Instagram Stories are those publications located at the top of the app that remain there ephemerally. That is, these are photos or videos that are published and remain visible for only 24 hours.

This function was born between 2015 and 2016 thanks to the tremendous boom that Snapchat had. It quickly became one of the most used tools in the app, still in force to this day, now with stickers, emoticons, text, automatic translation and more.

Despite the progress, there is no official way to view your contacts' Instagram Stories as anonymous. That is, the app notifies them who saw each story once that happens https://insta-stories-viewer.com/billieeilish/.

However, there is a trick to be able to view Instagram Stories anonymously and at FMDOS we are going to tell you how to achieve it.

How to view Instagram Stories anonymously?

There are several options to be able to see these publications without your contacts realizing it. These are the two most common:

Using an alternate account

You would have to create another anonymous account. However, this does not guarantee that you will achieve your goal, since if you want to see the Stories of a private account, they will have to accept you as a follower.

Airplane mode, the infallible trick

When you turn on Airplane Mode on your phone, you turn off mobile data accessed by your device. In this case, you have to open Instagram first, so that the Stories load automatically.

Then, without leaving the app, display the quick menu on your cell phone. It is usually done by swiping down on the screen. And from there, activate Airplane Mode.

Once activated, you will be able to anonymously view Instagram Stories, already preloaded, without the app identifying that you were there.

See also: https://tiksaved.com/

predicts YES


@TheWabiSabi I lost interest, sorry. It's too much work :(

@mkualquiera happens to the best

I think 10k is probably way too ambitious. I was counting on some sort of exponential growth but so far it mostly seems linear?

predicts NO

@mkualquiera Most don’t ever hit exponential growth. A few do.

41 followers, 6 posts. Slow day yesterday.

predicts NO

39 followers, 5 posts

predicts NO

Are you allowing yourself to pay for followers?

predicts NO

@voodoo I'd say no

predicts NO

we're at 28 followers, 4 posts

Can you link account or post example images of the type you post to the account?

predicts NO

@mkualquiera really look good, what tool do you use?

predicts NO

@TheWabiSabi a stable diffusion XL checkpoint I got from civitai + IPAdapter for the face and clothes

What's the time commitment you expect to see yourself doing for this?

@dmayhem93 I've been posting like 1 image a day, and I do like 1 hour sessions where I create images. But if it starts to gain momentum I can see myself dedicating more time to it.