When will Extropic AI ship a product?

Forecast the year Extropic AI, a company specializing in integrating generative AI with physics principles, will ship its first product. Predictions range from 2024 to 2040.

Resolution Year: The market resolves to the year in which Extropic AI first ships a product to a customer, defined by the calendar year the first delivery occurs.

"Ship": Shipping refers to the delivery of a product that is fully operational and meets the specifications published by Extropic AI at the time of shipment, whether delivered physically or digitally.

Verification Sources: Resolution is based on public announcements from Extropic AI, supported by credible news sources. If clear announcements are lacking, regulatory filings or official press releases from Extropic AI that confirm the shipment year will be used.

Multiple Shipments: If Extropic AI ships multiple products in different years, the market resolves to the year the first product was shipped.

Discontinuation or Company Closure: If Extropic AI discontinues its product line or ceases operations before any product shipment, the market will resolve to 2040.

For more information on Extropic AI, visit their official website.

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Unless an earlier closure year is established?

@NivlacM i quite dont know what i was thinking then, i will just remove it.

bought Ṁ1 2026-2027 YES