Image Geolocation Market Bounty
No bounty left

I'm offering an M150 bounty for each new market based on finding the location of an image.

For inspiration, check out @CamillePerrin's markets in the GeoGuessr topic, and @bohaska's Airport Guessing markets.

To be eligible, the image(s) must be one you've taken personally or otherwise have permission to use (I'll have to take your word for it), but beyond that the terms of the market are up to you. It could be multiple choice, or yes/no, as long as the market resolution is based on an image's location. Please link your markets in the comments.

Free idea: you could make multiple-choice answers indirect, such as "the last letter of the name of the nearest village is E" or "the last integer digit of the longitude is 7", so that the answer itself doesn't give away the location much.

I'm also going to limit things to 1 bounty per user per day (I'd rather have 1 market each from 3 users, than 3 markets from 1 user, just to keep things varied)

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Another challenge for you!


New format! :)


New market up :)


I posted a new geolocation market :)


damn wasn t aware of these.
you should make another bounty they seem fun

I’m curious, what makes a given location more or less rewarding/fun to find for you? 😊

Also, would you reward video geolocation markets?

Are you only interested in awarding markets, or would bounties also be of interest? For example awarding mana to the first user identifying a location only

Is it allowed to be an image of a location we ourselves don't yet know, but may be declassified in the future?

Just bumped the per-market bounty from 50 to 75, ty for the bounty contribution