🐲How many Top Creators will I Slay by the end of 2024?
Jan 1
1 slain
2 slain
3 slain
4 slain
5 slain
6 slain
7 slain
8 slain
9 slain
10 slain
11 slain
12 slain
13 slain
Leaderboard Earthquake
Pivot announced
Leaderboard change again
14 slain
15 slain
16 slain
17 slain
18 slain
50k traders
20 (ALL 20!)

I started Manifold back in November, and became a top 100 creator on my 40th day. Recently I just breached the top 20 on my 100th day. Now that I'm finally at the endgame, how many of the current leaderboard creators will I be able to overtake, despite having way less mana and history? Tune in to find out!

EDIT: Top 3 on 180th day!

Also: /strutheo/will-i-slay-all-20-top-creators-by

Link: https://manifold.markets/leaderboards

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Less than 3k until 19th slay


only ~10k more traders to go...

Why The top guy was banned?


hit 50k!


went up about ~3k traders in the last 10 days. but isaac and bte are still going up too. this could come down to the wire

We can't let Isaac get too many trading fees or he'll beat me in Leagues




top 3 on 180th day

bought Ṁ10 19 YES

I think the pivot has basically killed off all [add responses] markets overnight. No one will want to add responses to them when it costs 250 mana. What's your plan to make it to the top spot regardless?

i'm going into the desert to meditate

@PlasmaBallin So I see this as somewhat true, but also if you won't add responses for 250 mana, why would you create your own markets where it costs 250 mana to create them? Has it just killed off all markets?

i dont think mc answers even counted btw, it just goes off the unique traders at the top of the market

@Fedor The pivot is expected by many, including me and plasma I think, to kill off most markets in general. A market needs to have a huge amount of trading volume to be profitable now. The most profitable markets can probably survive but anything that was barely profitable before should now be extremely unprofitable, and that describes the vast majority of markets on the website


Has it just killed off all markets?

To some extent, yes. I don't know if there's a way to track the market creation rate, but I would be shocked if it didn't decrease by at least a factor of two post-pivot (I think the actual factor by which it decreases will be much larger, probably around an order of magnitude). But [add responses] will be hit especially hard because those rely not just on the creator, but also the traders, to spend mana. Plus, the total cost of any free response market is going to be much much higher than the cost of a binary market.

@PlasmaBallin listed in the stat page here 'questions created' https://manifold.markets/stats

@strutheo So, my most popular market type 'what happens at X formula 1 weekend' gets 20-35 traders. My last one would now cost like ~4000 mana to create, and it raised a total of 50 in fees, so those are to be severely restricted.

Who feels bold enough to stop the @strutheo train?

bought Ṁ30 20 (ALL 20!) YES

Just to be clear, currently it would resolve 19 because of the earthquake, right?


new allies obtained, three more spots to go


as i approached the final throne, i saw what was behind it - not bte, but manifold itself

they've sent me back in time and are changing the rules on us, but there are still months left in the year

Before the final blow was struck, I throw open a portal in time and flung him into the future where my evil is strong! Now the fool seeks to return to the past and undo the future that is AKU!!!