Will Elon Musk be buried on or have his ashes scattered on Mars when he dies?
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Would a small amount of his ashes (eg, 1 gram) count?

@Mactuary yes if they end up sending some of his ashes to mars ill count that

Would ashes thrown into martian atmosphere by an umanned rocket that burns up on reentry count?

What if it's part of his ashes as is done with "space burials" now?

@ProjectVictory as long as its around mars i can count that.

still thinking about what happens if he dies on entrry or something.. might NA

I think that (in order to avoid ambiguity) you might want to add the word "on" after "buried" in the title lol

It's fully optional to add that "on", of course — since most people would probably read the current title as the obvious interpretation:

(1) "Will Elon Musk [[be buried OR have his ashes scattered]] on Mars?"

HOWEVER, without an additional "on" after "buried", some trickster could argue that the current title might also read as:

(2) "Will Elon Musk [[be buried]] OR [[have his ashes scattered on Mars]]?"

...which that trickster might argue could "technically" resolve YES if Musk is simply buried anywhere.

So, to prevent people from purposefully misinterpreting the question, I'd probably add the word "on" (or maybe even "on Mars") after "buried" lol! :D

Okay cool it's been updated! :D nice