Will New York City crack down on unlicensed weed dispensaries before the end of 2024?
Jan 1

Right now you can walk down almost any street in Manhattan and find a storefront that is selling weed/marijuana without a license, because currently there are loopholes in the legislation and it is not fully regulated yet.

If they pass legislation to crack down on this or I no longer see these storefronts being operated publicly without worry of legal consequences, I will resolve this YES



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Two right next to each other lol

bought Ṁ10 NO

i fucking hope not

@mattyb you live in nyc??

@strutheo no, but i defend weed access globally

@strutheo and oppose cops ruining a good time universally

@mattyb i cant complain about the prices, but at this point its gotten to be too much, literally every block has a store or two, and not a single tax dollar going to the city because they only half-passed the legislation

@strutheo ill get some photos next time i walk around lol

@strutheo it’s been a few years since i’ve been there. i need to get back

@strutheo where i live, i get my weed delivered by app lol