Each option should refer to an approach (ideally through a title with a link to a comment). The option's probability is then the average reflection score that a person following that approach for one week would give himself. So from 0 (did absolutely nothing productive) to 100 (can't imagine myself being more productive).
The current best approach (the one with the highest probability) will every day be rewarded 100 Mana at random time.
Only reasonable approaches will be considered that don't have other negative effects. For instance: "Drink caffeine all day." is an invalid approach, even though it might have a high probability of success.
This is an experiment on figuring out optimal approaches to problems.
You can read more about the idea here: https://medium.com/@patrik.cihal1234/approdict-finding-optimal-approaches-to-problems-e06491785134
Possible clarification from creator (AI generated): The experiment is officially over and best approaches will no longer receive daily Mana rewards.
Re prompting chatgpt: I would give it way more context (what are you trying to be productive about? what other things are you doing? and so on), and I'd follow up to the initial suggestion with "this doesn't work for me because ..." and so on, as you would with a human trying to give you advice - they probably wouldn't suggest something sensible in their first try
(and I'd consider using Claude)