Someone dies wearing Apple Vision Pro in 2024
Dec 2

Same as the market below except limited to 2024.

Will close at the end of November so no bets can be placed during the last month and resolve a few days into 2025 to allow for news sources to report.

'Resolves Yes if a credible news story is released confirming the death of one person who was wearing Vision Pro at the time.

Death by any means resolves yes, person just has to be wearing it at time of death.'

Resolves no otherwise.

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William HallboughtṀ25NO

What are the cumulative wear-hours for apple vision pro in 2024? I suspect not that high

Even if people pull stupid stunts like wearing them while skiing (see Joanna Stern's great review), it seems unlikely

@WilliamHall I also think it can’t be that high. I suspect the average across all headsets sold is on the order of 2 hours a week. But I don’t have proof.

@MadCloud101 hold the line xd Curious if we get some stunts in China when released there.

Some day this should go wrong...

@TheWabiSabi It’s really a question of whether the idiots move on to the next thing first or die first.

@voodoo 😅

Are these invincibility goggles? Surely passengers in cars are wearing these all the time all around the world, right?

@coach Road deaths are roughly 1 per 75 million miles traveled.

She didn't die but her face says that she might as well be dead.

@esusatyo I think there is an instant regret subreddit that fits this.

I'm digging myself in for this bet 😅

@TheWabiSabi I dug myself in the other way and I don’t like it either.

bought Ṁ5 YES

A person jumping out of a plane with Vision Pro:

Another person got arrested while driving cybertruck with a Vision Pro.

@esusatyo Can’t get this link to work. Entertainment on a plane actually sounds like a good usecase for a VR headset.

@voodoo He’s the plane pilot lol.

bought Ṁ10 NO

I do wonder about use in hospice..

predicts NO

Folks, if they get in a car accident, and they're mortally wounded, can I tell you something? Paramedics are gonna take the headset off them before they die.

predicts NO

@DavidFWatson Also a good point. Although I suspect a car crash that violent would yank it off a person’s head first.

That said, I think that would get reported as person dies wearing the headset and count.

predicts YES

@DavidFWatson Unless they die on the scene…

predicts NO

@esusatyo Yes, but do you think we'll have conclusive proof of that?

predicts YES

@DavidFWatson We’ll need to rely on journalism and social media I guess.