OpenAI used to do research on robotics, but stopped around 2020, as they found it was easier to get fast scaling with language models. This market resolves when OpenAI publicly releases a model which is in some way specialized for robotics. If no such model has been released by the end of 2027, it will resolve "Later than 2027".
To count, a model must be released to at least a thousand people outside of OpenAI (the general public, enterprise customers, etc). Internal development does not count. Alpha tests do not count.
Rumors do not count, the model must be publicly and explicitly announced.
If OpenAI ceases to exist, the market will resolve "Later than 2027".
General language, programming, audio, or vision models do not count, even if they can be used for robotics purposes (eg. for object detection from a sensor camera); the model must be deliberately specialized for robotics in some way.