How should I spend a free month this summer?
Sep 6
Volunteer work of some kind (please specify the exact volunteer work if you want to put that as a suggestion)
binge watch movies
video games
Learn (or otherwise practice) Photography
Read key Rationalism texts e.g. The Sequences, HPMOR, Inadequate Equilibria, Unsong etc
3 hours of Manifold every day (doing what exactly though?)
Watch all Skibidi Toilet episodes
Learn Haskell from
Read key Effective Altruism texts e.g. The Life You Can Save, Animal Liberation, Superintelligence, The Precipice etc
learn prompt engineering (suggested by jim)
Join a martial arts class
Take a dance course in ballroom, swing, salsa, or Argentine tango

There's no bounty market anymore, so I'm creating this market to collect suggestions, somewhat like the bounty market.

This is an unlinked MC market, so everyone is free to create their own response.
activities that I ended up spending 5+ hours on this summer will resolve Yes.
(Activities that I can altogether spend less than 5 hours on will likely resolve No. though I still appreciate you suggesting it to me if you think it's worthwhile)

I'll send 100 mana to each non-trolling, serious response (one per person).

I'll send 10,000 mana award for each suggested summer activity that I end up spending 5+ hours on.
I have reserved a 20,000 mana award for what I personally think is the best response.

Feel free to ask me any questions here to learn about my preferences. I'll answer questions that I don't feel are too personal.

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Can you volunteer to a local charity or organisation that helps the homeless if you live in a built up area, otherwise can you volunteer to protect the environment. Pls if you're a random trader could you bet on volunteer work (suggest whatever you want of course). πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ πŸ™πŸ˜

have you already done some traveling? that'd be my top rec (very glad i carved time out for that in my similar break, so much harder later), but if you've been doing that already then nvm.

yea I went to Hong Kong, Japan and Malaysia for my first 2 months of summer and had a blast =)

sounds awesome! I’m going to Thailand for the first time in a month, can’t wait

Learn (or otherwise practice) Photography

@mongo does photography using an iphone counts? I dont think its practical for me to buy a camera just to try out if I would like photography

Yup, that's how I started. Most important aspect of photography (imho) is framing, and you can do it with anything. The main thing you miss out on is depth-of-field (e.g. having the background blurry while the subject is still in focus), which phones struggle with due to their small aperture size.

If you do want try with a "real" camera, used gear is cheap, and you only need to spend around $150 to get into "better than iphone" territory if you're smart about it.

3 hours of Manifold every day (doing what exactly though?)

@AmmonLam wait does this resolve if you only do it for 2 days, since that would go over 5 hours total? How long do you currently spend?

Since I specified 3 hours of manifold everyday, if I'm only doing it for 2 days only, this will resolve No.

but if I honestly spent some effort in trying to do 3 hours of Manifold everyday, and say it only lasted for 1 week, I would resolve this to yes.

I need a really good reason and suggested Manifold activity for me to attempt 3 hours of Manifold everyday

Join a martial arts class

@skibidist I'm not a very athletic person

Not a prerequisite in great many clubs

bought αΉ€5 learn prompt enginee... NO

sounds like all the more reason to try it!

bought αΉ€5 Read key Rationalism... YES

Bicycling's a great form of fitness that's easy to get into too, and I think fitness is a good goal for everyone

Take a dance course in ballroom, swing, salsa, or Argentine tango

@skibidist haha not a fan of dancing

Neither was I, but it was life changing to try