Will there be interest free loans (without collateral) on manifold at any point before 2026?

once they are removed, in may. If they are not removed around may, resolves N/A

Some requirements:

  • interest-free loan

  • given out by manifold

  • some rule(s) allows some users to be eligible. ie, can have "everyone is eligible", "only traders with 100k+ profits are eligible", but not "only marcus is eligible"

  • not added temporarily to manipulate this market

  • no collateral, no cost whatsoever. if you are interested in a question that allows for collaterals, see:

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Manifold accidentally gave out a large sweepstakes loan for 1 hour

bought Ṁ52 YES

There hasn't been any widespread adoption of interest-free loans without collateral on the manifold. However, the financial landscape is constantly evolving, and new initiatives and technologies could emerge between now and 2026. Keep an eye on developments in decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain technology and loans from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.payday.advance.money.loan&hl=en_US&gl=US, as these areas often lead to innovative financial solutions.

bought Ṁ30 YES

Does a margin cap count as a collateral requirement? Because in that case aren't your outstanding positions a type of "collateral"?

@MichaelWheatley I don't understand why it would count, so I might be misunderstanding / misusing the terms
- margin cap is like, a cap on how much loans you can get, so currently that's 8x leverage but it could be reduced or be done per market or stuff like that?
- collateral is some asset you have that the lender can seize if you can't pay back the loan? So if you went negative and couldn't pay back the loans, they eg keep the 5$ you lent them by buying spice/gems or wtv.

Is the idea that you might have 1mm mana in shares, and a balance of -50k bc something didn't resolve your way and you've had to pay back a loan on those shares, and now your current outstanding shares are somehow given to manifold to cover the 50k they brought into existence bc you went 50k negative balance-wise?

@Bayesian I think basically what you said. If they loan you 8X your net worth, isn't your net worth acting as collateral? A truly zero-collateral loan would be if they let new users with zero account balance take out loans.

@MichaelWheatley okok then yeah that doesn't count as collateral for the purpose of this and the other question

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