Musk vs Zuckerberg fight: will Zuckerberg win?
resolved Jan 1

Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg have agreed to fight each other in a cage match. As of market creation no date has been confirmed for the fight.

This market will resolve 'yes' if Mark Zuckerberg wins the fight.

In the event of a draw or the fight not going ahead, it will resolve N/A.

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predicted NO

n/a'ing this because the fight did not happen

predicted YES

This is now closed - what is your resolution?

predicted YES

Pray for my man Elon he probably not even be alive after!

У большого, сильного мальчика Илона огромный рост в штанах, чтобы полностью уничтожить Марка Цукерберга, он действительно растянет его на коврике. 🍆

predicted YES

Can someone explain to me how anybody thinks Musk has any chance? Just because he is bigger? Have you seen what his body looks like? It's not exactly the good kind of bigger.

predicted YES
predicted YES

trust musky is winning

predicted NO
predicted YES

@Berg Fridman saying “extremely impressed with [Musk’s] strength, power, and skill, on the feet and on the ground” gave me flashbacks to the “doctor” that claimed Trump had extraordinary physical strength and stamina, and would be the healthiest president in the history of the country.

predicted YES
predicted YES

All the martial arts people I talk to (including someone who can fairly be described as an extensive expert in martial arts) think that jiu jitsu training vs. slightly heavier+much taller but no training is hardly a competition, so my guess is that the odds should only depend on how much time Musk actually spends training.

@Heliscone If this were a fight between a 100 lb. girl who is super well trainedand a 300lb. fit man, it's reasonable to think that strength will just be enough but this isn't that. He's significantly but not insanely larger and Zuckerberg is in very good shape + seems to be quite good at jiu jitsu compared to an average person. I just don't see Musk spending a lot of time training.

predicted YES

@MarcusAbramovitch Yeah, makes sense.

Wait, so then why did you buy NO? Is that just you think Zuckerberg is likely to win, but not 75% likely?

Wait what if Musk chickens out, would it still be Yes?

predicted NO


"In the event of a draw or the fight not going ahead, it will resolve N/A."

Musk, who stands at an estimated 1.87 meters (6ft 1in) and weighs 187 lbs, is several weight classes taller than Zuckerberg, who stands at 1.71 meters (5ft 7 in) and weighs less than 154 lbs

You guys are insane to think that with training time Musk won’t obliterate Zuckerberg

predicted YES

@JonahKrompart people who don't train don't realize how little size matters between a trained vs untrained individual.
Musk doesn't have the time to train up most likely.

Zuckerberg is simply way too good at jiujitsu and martial arts such that the size discrepancy won't be that big of a factor.

Many large men have been humbled by women in martial arts

predicted NO

@MarcusAbramovitch Yeah ok that’s underdog cope, now put your money where your mouth is so I can make SO MUCH MORE MONEY when I triple down on this.

predicted YES

@JonahKrompart you haven't made money since the WvM-Market.

predicted YES

@JonahKrompart what would you like to bet?

predicted YES

@JonahKrompart I've got a limit order at your portfolio value at current odds

predicted NO

@MarcusAbramovitch Idk whatever money I get from resolving markets

predicted NO

@Schwabilismus You clearly don’t see how I’m betting, the markets haven’t even resolved, I only bet on markets that give me so many returns

predicted NO

@MarcusAbramovitch I’m sure you do man I’ve only been here a few months, don’t be a pussy with limit orders and just put a bunch of money in at it resolving yes

predicted NO


@JonahKrompart musk's extra weight isn't muscle, and he's in his fifties. It's a mistake to extrapolate to him from actual martial artists.

predicted NO

@ShakedKoplewitz I simply do not care if he gets time to train

predicted YES

@JonahKrompart "Gets time to train" is a weird condition. Even if they plan a fight in a long time horizon there's no particular reason to believe he'll suddenly spend three hours a day working out.

@JonahKrompart Zuck will rock Elon's world.

predicted NO

@Mirek Good now bet on it so I get more leverage

predicted NO

@ShakedKoplewitz You really think he wouldn’t train for a fight? Ok sure man just put more money on YES I want more leverage.

@JonahKrompart Yeah, go f*ck yourself buddy.

@Mirek Wtf lol, also you bought like nothing man you gave me NO LEVERAGE

predicted YES

@JonahKrompart Bro, stop didlin kids and gtfo out with your C calibration. You couldn’t predict where the sun rises tomorrow morning never mind something serious like this.

predicted NO

@Mirek You only have one letter grade above me and I’m gambling?

predicted NO

@Mirek Try doing some real trading man see how that goes

predicted YES

@JonahKrompart Yeah? My crypto investments would make you adjust your eyes so don't even tell me about real trading, you probably still bag holding some BBBY Mr. Calibration C Krompart. Probably got a 1.5% CD your mom setup for you.

predicted YES

@Mirek will you two shut up

predicted YES

@JonahKrompart I'm sure he'd do some pushups, but the sort of training that lets a guy in his fifties compete with a guy in his thirties? Nah, unlikely.

predicted YES

@Mirek 💀

predicted NO

@Mirek Yeah I’m glad I’m not you LOOOL

predicted NO

@ShakedKoplewitz Interesting, I mean with all that money and image on the line I’d think he’d do a bit more but sure.

predicted NO

@Mirek Nobody holds meme stocks or crypto without a lobotomy man, stay away 🤮

predicted YES

@jeremiahsamroo Guys, I may have been a tad blackout drunk last night on here. I apologize for my lewd behaviors and the inappropriateness of it all.

predicted NO
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