Will AMC Theatres remove the Nicole Kidman pre-movie promo before July 1st 2024?
Jul 3

This will resolve to a YES if AMC Theatres removes the Nicole Kidman promo by July 1st 2024 00:01am ET

For reference - this is the promo: https://youtu.be/KiEeIxZJ9x0

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@mods Creator inactive, resolves (I believe, anyone been to AMC lately?) NO.

@CalisuriofTORn was active 11hr ago, which is not considered inactive - can you please review and resolve?

I see the previous question ~4mo ago related to alternate version wasn't answered, but according to wikipedia they're still showing three 30-second versions of the commercial (but not the 60-second original). that means a Nicole Kidman pre-movie promo is being shown but I'm not clear whether the creator includes these truncated promo options.

per wiki:

Beginning March 1, 2024, AMC introduced three new 30-second versions of the commercials that would appear before films, on a rotating basis; this was meant to replace the 60-second version that had been in use for the previous four years.

bought Ṁ1,000 NO

I'm pretty sure they haven't, since they debuted a new revamped version a few months back at great expense. Unless you're inclined to count that as "removing" it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicole_Kidman_AMC_Theatres_commercial?wprov=sfla1

What if it’s slightly different? @CalisuriofTORn

bought Ṁ10 NO

@mattyb Doh! Made the question right after a movie in the theater! I guess a lot of people can’t wait for it to be gone! 😂

@CalisuriofTORn no worries, your Q is unique enough. Yea, I don’t see their Nicole ad going away anytime soon