Will Andrew McCutchen make a "furries" tweet during Anthrocon 2024?
resolved Jul 8

For background, refer to the question from 2023: /CollectedOverSpread/will-andrew-mccutchen-make-another

The Pittsburgh Pirates will again be playing home games during Anthrocon, so McCutchen may make another "furries" tweet.

This market resolves to YES if Andrew McCutchen makes a post on his Twitter account reading "Furries" or something substantially similar (for example, with punctuation or different capitalization, or an image containing that single word), during the dates of Anthrocon (July 4 to 7, using local time in Pittsburgh). Otherwise, this market resolves to NO.

If McCutchen's Twitter account is deleted, private, or otherwise inaccessible to the general public such that the posts cannot be checked before July 15, then this market resolves to NO.

Note that the handling of edge cases differs slightly from last year:

  • I have clarified and tightened the requirements for similarity in the post ("substantially similar" as opposed to "related in the same vein")

  • I am allowing for seven days after the convention to check the post rather than two

  • I will resolve to NO rather than N/A if the account is inaccessible, because of Manifold's restrictions on N/A resolutions after the "pivot" earlier this year

I may trade in this question as usual.

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He did it early this year: https://twitter.com/TheCUTCH22/status/1808686231506522373

This is before the dates of the convention so it technically doesn't count based on the criteria in the description. If he doesn't make another post during the actual convention dates then this question would resolve to NO.

It wasn't clear from description, but apparently he does this every season.
