Will I have an active dating profile on Manifold.love in 2024?
Jan 1

Manifold.love is Manifold's dating site, which uses prediction markets for matchmaking.

Since it launched in October 2023 I have been intrigued by it, but I haven't signed up.

Some points for:

  • It is an interesting experiment in using prediction markets for romantic compatibility.

  • Statistics suggest a significant prevalence of users seeking polyamorous/ethically non-monogamous relationships.

Some points against:

  • I am concerned about privacy. I use this online identity to discuss controversial topics, often related to culture-war issues, and I'm not comfortable associating lots of personal details (as would be required for a dating profile) with this identity. If I do make a profile, I would almost certainly keep it well separated from this account and identity.

  • I am not particularly aligned with the "ratsphere." While I'm sure Manifold.love (and Manifold itself) are meant to appeal to a broader audience, I still suspect that many users will come from that community.

  • I've been reducing my activity here on Manifold for a few different reasons, and it doesn't seem right to do that and also get involved with another one of its projects.

  • The userbase is still rather small and there don't seem to be that many users from my area.

This question is an invitation to present additional arguments for or against joining Manifold.love.

Some basic demographic information: I am (basically) a straight cisgender man in his late twenties living near Los Angeles (California, USA). I am primarily seeking non-monogamous relationships (I guess "polyamory" is the best label to use but I'm still figuring out what that means for me personally). Please feel free to ask additional questions along these lines, but understand if I don't wish to answer to protect my privacy.

This question resolves to YES if I create a dating profile (as opposed to an account just for matchmaking) on Manifold.love and use it at least minimally by answering questions and seeking out potential partners, before 00:00 UTC on January 1, 2025. Otherwise, it resolves to NO.

The "minimal use" requirement is a little subjective, but it is meant to exclude things like signing up then simply forgetting about it, or having a profile automatically created for me based on my account here.

This question also resolves to NO if Manifold.love shuts down or I am otherwise prevented from creating a profile.

(Clarification from the comments: I will only resolve this question after closing, even if the resolution is YES. This is to protect my privacy by preventing a possible correlation between a signup on Manifold.love and the resolution.)

I may provide liquidity subsidies but I will not otherwise trade in this question.

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To prevent a possible correlation between a Manifold.love signup and a resolution of this question, I plan to resolve this only at closing.