After Bibi Netanyahu will resign as prime minister he will move back to the live in the US and not stay in Israel.
Dec 31

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"Move back"? Netanyahu was born in Israel and spent almost his entire life there. That's a very strange term to use just because of his time at MIT and BCG, and diplomatic positions.

How does this resolve if he does not resign? (That is, in the likely event that he either continues to serve until he loses an election or a party leadership primary, or is removed from office, or dies in office.)

He can't escape his corruption trial by moving to the US, right?

predicts YES

@nathanwei good question, I think he can, remember that the corruption trial can take a long time, during this time he can live in the US. Also remember his son is living there right now.

@DanGershony Right, Yair the clown lives in Florida.