Snake eyes helpfulness bounty
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I will award bounties to people for people who i found to have helpful comments on the snake eyes, comment below with a rough list of what you've done.

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  • I have created a write up, which @dreev and I aspire to combine into a single write up.

  • I been a prolific commentator in the market and related markets, I hope that my comments have been polite, courteous, and professional at all times, although I suspect some may have been terse.

  • I also have a set of model consistency questions which I believe any model should be able to answer.

  • I have periodically posted market engagement reports showing who the active commentators are and their market position performance (i.e. mana incentives to be biased).

  • Not sure this is helpful or not, but created a curated group to start tracking the overall ecosystem of markets that have sprung up around the Snake Eyes market.


I remain willing to serve as a non-betting expert-witness/arbiter with respect to mathematical soundness.


Made a better market


Made a NO write-up.



I've made comments which prove unhelpful for Yes-holders, created a meta-market on the resolution modality and might even try to create less-ambiguous alternative Snake Eyes markets soon(-ish).

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