Will reading be optional in schools by 2035?

We all carry small computers with us everywhere; they can currently handle text-to-speech and speech-to-text; reading is currently one of the biggest time-eaters in elementary schools; and there is very little that one might reasonabally need reading for, and there will be much less once AR becomes more common.

When will reading die?

This market will look at whether the majority of US schools are requireing a class in reading AND giving a level grade (e.g., A, B ,C, D, F) or equivalent (in other words a "media center" period with a pass/fail participation grade common in many gym/music/art/etc. classes would not be sufficient). It will look at classes required for a high school deploma, e.g., if any of elementary, middle, or highschool requires a reading grade for the average student to be on a high-school diploma track at the end of 2035.

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