Will I eat ass in the next 24 months?

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bro came to create this one market and then disappeared. good luck out there Eduard. maybe we'll hear from you in 2025 🫡

@shankypanky ugh makes me want to recreate it for myself but like what if I become a partner in 15 minutes

@Stralor do it Pat [short fuse]

@shankypanky lol ez NO money on short fuse

@Stralor depends on the fuse?

@Stralor this is a rollercoaster I thought we were optimistic and now you're crying lolol 🫂

@shankypanky L I F E

@Stralor market: will i eat ass in the next 24hours

@mattyb oh Matt's hornyposting has entered the chat

get out there (in there?) kings I believe in you

@shankypanky @mattyb MC "Will I eat ass in the next 24..."

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@Stralor I'm ready to bet Pat

@Stralor you flatter me

Creator is inactive. Changed the close date to be actually 24 months after the question was asked.

This sound really nasty, independend of whether it's a human ass (cannibalism) or an animal ass (culturally tolerated)

predicts YES

@MustaphaMondo I'm p sure Eduard means the colloquial "eat ass" as in rimjob, "tossing the salad", licking that delicious brown star, etc. But it'd be great if all these others count as technical victories


predicts YES

@MustaphaMondo Donkey???

Are you eating-ass-positive or this more of an insurance-type market?

predicts YES

@CamillePerrin I'm betting YES on the assumption of the first, seeing as it's a Personal Goals question. I sure hope Eduard reaches for the stars, and dat booty