If "A simple concrete plan for improved loan management" is implemented, will we think it was a good idea 2 months later
resolved Jun 7

Conditional on this bounty being awarded, will we think it was a good idea 2 months later?

The pull request must also be merged and deployed for this question. If that hasn't happened by the close date I might N/A or I might extend the close date.

Suggestions welcome for evaluation methodology. Right now it's "whether I think it basically worked and did what I'd hoped". I'd rather something like "a poll of power users" or maybe "per Manifold staff judgment". Suggestions welcome, I'll try to nail down something more exact soon.

I won't trade in this market regardless of resolution methodology.

EDIT: I changed my mind, there weren't many traders yet and I decided it was important to put my money where my mouth was. I would be extremely happy to hand over resolution of this market to some objective mechanism or willing other user.

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Given that this was not implemented and loans are no longer available at all, N/A seems appropriate. Further close date extensions don't seem to add much value.

bought Ṁ100 YES

I wouldn't do a poll of power users because mostly they are whales and not representative of the normal user experience. Manifold has done user surveys in the past, that would be the best source.

In cases where, for example, it is implemented and the config value(s) is rapidly decided to be wrong and fixed promptly, the intent is to judge the overall effect -- hopefully that means mostly post-fix, but obviously that will depend on the methodology settled on for this question.

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