Is Joe Biden dead?
resolved Jul 23

Will Joe Biden, the current President of the United States, be deceased by now or earlier, as of July 22, 2024? This includes death from any cause, whether natural or otherwise, occurring at any time up to and including today. Biden calls into Harris campaign - but a lot of people seem to think that this might be a recording or AI.

If Biden is announced dead shortly after this phone call, like in the coming days, will be deemed staged (as in deliberately delayed) and this market still resolves yes.

If Biden makes any public VISUAL appearance, it will be considered authentic and this market resolves no, despite potential concerns about verification. Trust in the US government’s authenticity will be assumed in the absence of direct falsification evidence.

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looks like he's about the same height as Hunter, as usual

Round two, anyone? I love free mana.

oh no I'm too late for the mana giveaway

seems a bit premature

AI has gotten so good!

opened a Ṁ10,000 NO at 1.0% order

Wait I'm not to 200k shares yet

bought Ṁ10 YES

Can’t verify the source of this image. It looks like someone took a photo of a screen. This market will resolve when he makes an official visual public appearance through an etablished channel like a White House press release / speech, on camera.

I mean there is video but happy to get more betting against me

That is sufficient proof.

It’s a fake! Don’t believe your lying eyes! The lizard wearing the Joe Biden suit is grinning, we can’t let him get away with this!!!

bought Ṁ8,000 NO

This market can resolve to no

I know this market is driven by conspiracy theorists, but why is it going up after Biden announced he will speak tomorrow?

They are pressing 'BET' to doubt.

There really are two realities.

In one, Biden has resigned and Kamala Harris is the nominee because she picked up his delegates.

In the other, Biden is dead (possibly murdered), his speech tomorrow will be done by a clone and/or AI, and Michelle Obama is the nominee and Hilary Clinton is her VP.

Choose your reality wisely! Is there one you can capitalize on more to suit your financial interests or agenda? Is there one that is simply more interesting and the content it creates adds more color to your otherwise dull, pathetic life and makes you feel smarter than those other people? Perhaps you are an idiot yourself? There is a reality that exists for you!

opened a Ṁ5,000 NO at 3% order

Could we add to the reality that I'm a Jedi, please? Then I'd totally join this side

@nikki Come on, give me a break with this nonsense.

Last time this happened I got 188K NO shares, this time maybe I can get to 200K? Halfway there as of now.

If you guys take my limit orders at 1 and 2 percent you can set exit limit orders at 10 percent and make a huge profit once someone else comes around and spikes the price!

Markets vs polls

What if everyone who voted no on that poll had to bet?

I was incapacitated when I had covid so that's plausible

Yeah I’m not sure how much weight to give that part of the question

it's pedantry but I'm also skeptical of framing this as an and/or lol

If he is incapacitated it is only by Nancy Pelosi's Conqueror's Haki

Holy sampling bias batman