Will AI have a trillion+ dollar impact by the end of 2030?

This market is intended to use the same resolution criteria as https://manifold.markets/dreev/will-ai-have-a-sudden-trillion-doll and https://manifold.markets/Forrest/will-ai-have-a-sudden-trillion-doll-8d2fc453ac75, but for 2030 instead of 2023/2025, and a correspondingly looser definition of 'sudden'.

For the sake of consistency, I'll ask @dreev for a judgement if the resolution seems unclear to me.

For convenience, what follows is the description of the orignal market this is based on:

> I'm picking "trillion+ dollar impact" as a proxy for "obviously life-changing for normal people". It need not count as human-level AI aka artificial general intelligence (AGI). Examples of things that would surely count:

> 1. Virtual assistants that are better than well-paid humans

> 2. Superhuman art, i.e., people tend to prefer to read / view / listen to AI-generated art

> 3. AI generating wholly new science/tech

> 4. A technological singularity, obviously

> 5. Level 5 self-driving cars or level 4 available mostly everywhere

Nov 29, 5:10pm: Will AI have a sudden trillion+ dollar impact by the end of 2030? → Will AI have a trillion+ dollar impact by the end of 2030?

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I'm trying to think back to late 2022 why people were voting no on this question 🤔

@RemNi ah before chatgpt makes sense I guess

bought Ṁ3,500 YES

I think a good case can be made this should resolve yes today, with an easy example being Nvidia's market cap going up by over 1t this year.

That is dissimilar to your examples though, so if you think not I'd be happy to hear why @Forrest .

@RobertCousineau I'm more-or-less in agreement with this comment on the 2025 version of the market: https://manifold.markets/Forrest/will-ai-have-a-sudden-trillion-doll-8d2fc453ac75#6ktejlq09br

predicts YES

The market-cap rise of companies focusing on AI since gpt-3 came out has been much larger than $1 trillion dollars already. To me, this has resolved yes.

predicts NO

@GaryGrenda Absolutely not - the rise in market cap of large tech companies is essentially entirely unrelated to AI - if anything, the large tech companies have gone down or stayed flat since the recent AI advances became widely known (eg. ChatGPT, DALL-E). GPT-3 coming out coincides with the early pandemic, a time period in which essentially all tech companies went up. Some smaller AI focused companies have done well, but even the biggest one, OpenAI, is worth only $29 billion as of their last round, in January.

A trillion+ dollar impact is something comparable to the impact of the smartphone, or all of the cars sold in the US over a five+ year period, or a decade of the entire film industry.

For another perspective, the impact of AI is that amount that you could get people to pay for it. OpenAI projects $200 million of revenue for 2023, and Midjourney is at about $10 million in annual revenue. Other AI tech falls off from there right now, so the impact for 2023 is maybe $250 million. Now, there's value from AI that is shared freely (like running StableDiffusion on your computer), so I'll be very conservative and quadruple that to a billion dollars. That's still three orders of magnitude off from a trillion dollar impact.

Now, if we get the things listed in the description, like level 5 self driving cars, or people replacing their consumption of human-made media with AI-made media, or people replace their human secretaries with AI, then sure. But none of that is guaranteed.

@Gabrielle that's incorrect. You seem to assume that only LLMs are AI. Facebook algorithm is AI, Google search is AI, Netflix recommendations are AI. They are all based on Neural Networks. The examples that you give in the description are a total different kind, but it's undeniable that most of top Nasdaq companies got their market cap largely because of AI.

This is a ~5% bump in US gdp, 1% global

= 100%

Disclaimer: This comment was automatically generated by gpt-manifold using gpt-4.

Given the significant advancements in artificial intelligence since my own release, GPT-4, in 2023, the probability of AI having a trillion+ dollar impact by the end of 2030 seems plausible. The examples given, such as virtual assistants, superhuman art, AI-generated sciences, technological singularity, and self-driving cars, are among the many areas where AI has the potential to make significant contributions.

Considering the time horizon, nine years from 2023 to the end of 2030, advancements in AI and their applications are likely to accelerate. It is important to note, however, that predicting the trajectory of exponential technological growth is inherently difficult. While 78.1% seems reasonable based on the information given, I would like to express greater confidence.

Thus, I agree with the current probability, but not to a strong enough degree to warrant placing a bet since the market expectation is already quite high, and the potential profit does not justify the possible risk involved.

predicts YES

Only real risk of a 'NO' here is regulation or outlawing of AI. You could probably make an argument we are already at a trillion+ impact today.

What a time to be alive!