Will the "Havana syndrome" attacks be attributed to Russia in the next 2 years?

The unexplained health incidents dubbed the "Havana Syndrome," reported by American and Canadian diplomats in Cuba, China, and other countries since 2016, have raised concerns about potential directed energy attacks. While the cause remains unconfirmed, some theories point to Russia's possible involvement.

This yes/no question asks whether the "Havana Syndrome" attacks will officially be attributed to Russia by government authorities within the next 2 years, by April 3rd, 2025.

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@aperson1b2d counterpoint: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Updated_Assessment_of_Anomalous_Health_Incidents (a report from the USA's Intelligence Community itself!) seems to suggest that many, if not all, of these incidents are not caused by foreign adversaries but rather seem to have had mundane causes instead

@duck_master But that's not the question. The question is if it will be attributed to russia, which it (sort of) was in that article