Trump v Biden debate BINGO [Second debate hosted by ABC]
Sep 11
The debate is cancelled
The debate is delayed (Sept 10)
Trump wears a suit coat unbuttoned on stage
Trump calls Biden "Sleepy Joe"
Biden refers to Trump as a felon
Biden goes off on 2 or more non-sense tangents
Biden wears a suit coat buttoned on stage

This question is for the second of 2 debates. The second debate is hosted by ABC and is planned for Sept 10. Delays will extend the timeline of this question.

Feel free to add more, I will do so as well as I ideate on this.

Any additions that do not have a clear resolution will be removed.

If the debate is delayed the questions still stand and the resolution date will extend.

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I'm inclined to ask the mods to NA this question, otherwise all MC will resolve as NO (except for the cancelled MC answer, that will resolve YES).

I should say all Biden MCs may resolve NO. Either way this question turns nebulous if we change it from Biden to Kamala.

What happens if there is no second debate between Biden and Trump?

Biden refers to Trump as a felon

Does it need to involve the word "felon" or will "criminal" do?

@Ramble Felon specifically