If I update my Manifold FAQ, will I think it was time well spent a month later?

Several months ago I made an FAQ about Manifold features. (Original market here.) It is now long out of date. A few days ago someone in the Manifold discord asked about an FAQ, prompting me to make this market.

Pros to updating it:

  • It bothers me to have outdated things online, especially when they have my name on them, and updating it would make me feel a little better.

  • Manifold is getting a lot of new users who are asking questions that are more techical than you want to have in the basic user onboarding process but less technical than it's worth reading the site code for, and an FAQ seems like a good place for those sorts of questions.

  • Last time the admins gave me Ṁ5000 for writing it, and maybe they'd do that again. :)

Cons to updating it:

  • Manifold has gotten a lot more complicated since then, so this would be more work. I have more other things going on in my life than I did back in April, so I'm not sure I really want to spend several days on something like this.

  • Manifold is still changing features quite quickly, so an updated FAQ would go out of date again pretty soon.

  • Manifold has a lot of people working for them now, and if they thought this was important or useful they probably would have just done it themselves.

If you would personally like to me to update it, feel free to offer a bounty.

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Is the FAQ available anywhere? The link posted on the other market is broken https://outsidetheasylum.blog/manifold-markets-faq/

Given how little interest there has been in this, I think it's unlikely I would find this worth my time.

@IsaacKing wdym?? there is a lot of interest. it's possible all that interest is all contained in me, but there's probably a lot of it

Just as a quick note -- I'm hoping we can get a wiki-version of posts (aka allow multiple people to edit; keep track of version history) and then that would be a natural place to host a Manifold FAQ!