Will I make Mythic on Arena without spending any money?

Resolves to YES once I make mythic. Resolves to NO once I spend any money on Arena, for any reason.

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How much effort are you going to spend on getting there? I think it's definitely possible to get to mythic in arena without spending real money, but it's even more of a slog. I'm inclined on NO just because it's a huge time sink for very little actual benefit.

@Odoacre Very little. I didn't bother to install Arena despite being an avid Magic player for many years until I needed to for the tournament. But note that this goes both ways; my lack of interest in Arena makes it very unlikely I'll make Mythic any time soon, but also very unlikely I'd want to spend money on it.

predicts YES

How're your spending habits on other games? Are you pretty impulsive about spending or do you think it out and weigh the options? Also, how old is your MTG Arena account?

@Matthew I rarely spend money on games other than the initial purchase. I have a strong aversion to buying things that I don't think I can resell later.

I made my Arena account yesterday.

@IsaacKing What are your MTG achievements/experience so far?

@Matthew I've been playing for about 10 years. Came in second in a PPTQ is about the best I got.