Will this existence of this market lead to me being given alien technology, a spiritual experience, or any other unworldly thing by the end of 2024?
Jan 1
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bought Ṁ1 YES

Lol what was the context behind the screenshot in the description?

predicts YES

To be clear, I'm placing bets here with the plan of mailing Isaac, like... a chondrite, or something. Or a book of Japanese unuseless inventions, taking alien in a different sense.

How many shares do you think "blasé dracaena" has in this market?

@ZZZZZZ They have 70 YES shares.

Reminds me of something ...

@ZZZZZZ At least this one's possible though!

How about GPS?

@MartinRandall A technology built to give us detailed information about our world? I think not.

@IsaacKing How about a telescope?

Hmm. Is a telescope an unworldly thing? Not sure about that one. What think others?

@IsaacKing Telescopes are definitely in our world

@xyz *of our world

The non-supernatural solutions to this are psychedelics and meteorites evidently.

@lukalot Of those two, I think meteorites are the less likely option.

Depends if @IsaacKing talks about this market at psytrance parties or not

Does this include angel food cake?

@MartinRandall No, that's a worldly item that's just been named after unworldly beings.

Does this include things that are not from earth, e.g. a meteorite

@NeonNuke Hmm, that seems pretty unworldly to me!

@IsaacKing How will you know that it is not from earth?

@Yev It must have an otherworldly quality to it. I assume it will be obvious.

@IsaacKing It'd be made purely of material from outer space! By definition!

Remember, you must accept responsibility for it!