If Trump wins the 2024 election, will it be the end of Democracy as we know it?

Conditioned on Trump winning. If he wins, will there be a major change such that the U.S. does not live in a traditional US Democracy anymore? Such conditions would include things like: Trump running for a 3rd term, declaration of Martial Law at any point, removing Supreme Court Justices or ignoring a material order from SCOTUS, Executive Branch overturning a certified election result, refusing a transition of power, etc. This will be certified "yes" if a major event occurs that is considered a fundamental ending of our democracy as we know it and multiple major news organizations declare as much.

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Any one of the things in your list qualifies? Plus at least two major news organizations referring to it as the end of democracy as we know it? What if Trump seeks a 3rd term but it isn't taken seriously and he has no chance of winning? And are we sure we haven't already seen major news organizations claim that the end of democracy as we know it already came to pass?

predicts YES

@dreev Thanks for the questions. The things on my list would count IF they also have two major news organizations declare such occurrence to be the end of democracy as we know it (in more or less those words). The list is not exhaustive, and there could be other things that qualify. This is predicated on him winning and then some major constitutional crisis event occurring...so any past/future media statements on this point would not be relevant until he were elected and a constitutional crisis event occured (as an aside, while I suspect there have been many news articles about damage to our democracy, I suspect no credible news reporting that our democracy has in fact already ended due to a Trump action yet). I am not talking about a single writer's opinion piece either. It needs to be either an actual article or paper-wide editorial. As to your example, if he stated he intended to run for a third term but did not actually get on the ballot (or did, but was removed by the courts), then I would not consider it to be the end of democracy as we know it, because our constitutional prohibition held. If he was put on the ballots and people were actually able to vote for him (which would mean decisions to allow him on the ballot at the state electoral level and upheld at judicial level, which ignored the clear constitutional prohibition), then I would resolve this a "yes" , if two major newspapers agreed, as this is a clear constitutional prohibition that would be ignored and thus we would no longer be living in the democracy as we know it.

@JRR That helps a ton; thank you! Really important question/prediction here.